Thursday, September 29, 2011

Egrets Among the Cows

I was driving over to the coast several months ago and came upon an interesting sight – egrets. One of my favorite birds, egrets blanketed the shore where we used to live. But since I moved inland my sightings have been rare. I love these tall, beautiful, regal birds.

But they seemed out of place that day. Yes, I was almost to the coast. But these egrets were in a pasture that had partially flooded due to a winter storm. There they stood, calmly watching for prey, in a field among the cattle. On a farm, they were unperturbed by the neighboring cows. In fact, they seemed oblivious to their presence.

I came home and decided to do a little research on egrets. I discovered that these birds are quite versatile. There is actually a smaller egret that is named the cattle egret because it feeds where cattle are – catching whatever it can as the cattle disturb the area. I realized that I had a pre-conceived notion of where an egret belonged. I had grown up by the beach so I was used to seeing them there. In my ignorance, I assumed that was the only place where they belonged. After reading more about these birds, I learned that they nest and feed near bodies of water but not necessarily the ocean. I had assumed that egrets belonged at the beach because that had been my experience. In my ignorance, I limited them.

I wonder how many times I do that with God. I know (or think I know) where I feel I belong and of course, I am comfortable in those arenas. But I am probably limiting myself and God because I am not considering that I may very well belong somewhere that seems out of place to me.
As a young woman my desire was to be a good wife and mother. Now, as I near 60, I am still a mother although my girls are all grown and married, and I am no longer a wife. So where do I belong? Mothering adults is a difficult task and I usually drive my kids (or their husbands) crazy. But I still have a desire to be a godly example to my kids and I'm praying that God gives me the wisdom and ability to accomplish that. And the wife part? What a constant struggle that has become. Considering that it was my primary desire for so many years - not to be any old wife - but a bomb of a wife - what am I left with? Some guilt to be sure. Was it all my fault? Partly my fault? Just a little bit my fault? It's complicated, no doubt. Sin has tainted and poisoned a large part of my life. At times I've despaired and felt like there was no place left for me. But God has other ideas. I don't know what He has for me to do but I know He won't be leaving me just sitting around useless forever. I'm in a waiting period and I'm not particularly happy about it but I know that God's timing is perfect. He'll guide me, as He always has, when His time comes. Will I be comfortable? I hope so. I hope I will recognize that as long as I'm doing whatever it is that God wants me to do then I'm exactly where I belong.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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