Saturday, March 31, 2012

The World As It Should Be

I've been thinking a little bit about how our world was when God first created it. We're studying in Genesis right now in my evening Bible Study and this week we looked at creation and specifically Christ in creation. Anyway, one of the verses we looked at told how God gave man every seed bearing plant and fruit bearing tree for food and he gave the animals every green plant for food. So, in other words, everyone, man and beast, were vegetarians. Now I knew this before but for some reason I've been chewing on that verse lately.

I love animals and always have. You've got to keep the strays away from me or I take them in. I have to fast forward through the hunting scenes on the Discovery Channel.  I know not everyone feels that way but I can easily imagine Adam and Eve strolling through the garden and enjoying watching all the animals, admiring their beauty, and being amazed by their individuality. I believe that someday, when Christ returns, all living creatures will be restored to that harmony they experienced in the Garden of Eden. Today, I had a large, stray cat on my patio. I couldn't get near him. He was too skittish but I was able to see that he was missing an ear. He's had a hard life and now it's raining and I wonder where he'll take shelter.

What is the point of all this? First of all, it doesn't matter. This is my blog so I can write whatever I want or so my girls tell me. ☺ Seriously, the fact that I worry about poor, stray animals, hurt when my kids hurt, mourn losses, wish for what was, all of that tells me that I am simply longing for the world God intended. I may not always consciously be aware of it but deep inside myself I recognize that things are not as they should be. But, praise God, someday they will be. Someday, no animals will be missing an ear. Someday, no daughters will cry. Someday, no woman will be lonely. Someday, we'll stroll through the garden, watching the animals and talking with our Lord. I can only imagine!

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