Friday, March 9, 2012

Tops of 2011

The most popular magazine in my office waiting room is "People" and occasionally, during my lunch hour, I will indulge. I was flipping through one of the December issues and found an article entitled "Tops of 2011". I was curious to see how current I was so I began reading. It was actually a group of lists, the first of which was "Top 10 Box Office Champs". You know, the top movies. Guess how many of them I had seen. Uh, zero. Not a one. O.K. Moving on to "iTunes Most Popular Songs". Again, zero. Let's try "Top 10 Bestsellers". I am, after all, a voracious reader. Yea!! I had read one of the books, "The Help". I'm on a roll now. "Most Increase in Twitter Followers". Really? I don't Twitter, don't even know how I would even try to Twitter and would feel like a twit if I ever did Twitter. At least I recognized some of the names on the Twitter list. But who the heck is Bruno Mars? Lastly, "Most Watched TV Shows". Again, you guessed it, none. I came close here, though. NCIS was on the list and I have seen it several times but I felt I could hardly count that since I don't watch it regularly. Or even irregularly, for that matter. So, out of a list of 50 top items for 2011, I got a grand score of 1. 1.5 if you give me credit for watching at least one NCIS. I am crushed. I like to consider myself as someone fairly hip for my advanced age. This was a humbling exercise. I think I'll go watch "The Twilight Saga" and then read "Water for Elephants" while listening to "E.T." and recording "Dancing With the Stars" for later. As for the Twittering thing? Hopeless.

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